Tiny House (Playhouse)

tiny/play house

For summer vacation, my wife, son, and I built what we call a “tiny house.” (It’s really a playhouse.)

We constructed this 4’ x 8’ building almost entirely without electricity. We used a router to cut out the windows and door from the siding, but everything else was by hand.

We framed it with studs 16" on center. Driving 16d penny nails was too difficult for my son, so we used 3" deck screws instead, driven with a brace and bit. We made it 4’ x 8’ so the floor could be a single piece of plywood.

tiny/play house studs

The roof we designed to be made out of one sheet of metal roofing that we bought locally at Montopolis Supply. They cut the the sheet into three pieces for us so we didn’t have to do those long cuts with tin ships.

We really enjoyed building this project and my son continues to enjoy playing in it.

Daddy,  Can We Play in the Workshop?

If hand tool woodworking is your passion, you may enjoy my children's book, Daddy, Can We Play in the Workshop?